- Payment Process
- After you have chosen your products and are ready to make the purchase, you proceed to the checkout page. You then enter your billing and shipping address, this is so that we can deliver the order to the right person (you don't want us making mistakes there, right?). After you have entered your billing and shipping address, you then choose a shipping method. That is all the data we receive from you.
- For the next stage you are directed to the Sage Pay website to enter your payment details. After you have completed this step, and Sage Pay has verified the transaction with your bank, you are returned to our website. You will receive an email confirmation of your order.
- Information we do Store
- We only store your billing and shipping address, no other personal details. We need this so that we can post the order to the intended recipient (you don't want us making mistakes there, right?) and so that we can respond to queries regarding your order in the future.
- Information we do not Store
- We do not ask for, or store, any payment information from you. Your credit/debit card information is handled by our third party payment provider Sage Pay. You are directed to their website to enter your payment details which is encrypted by SSL so that only you and Sage Pay (nobody in-between) can 'see' the credit card information.
- Sage Pay is PCI-DSS compliant at level one (the highest!). This gives you the confidence that your payment information is handled securely in a secure environment. Read more about Sage Pay's security standards.